ol6b02969_si_003.pdf (14.23 MB)

Single-Flask Multicomponent Synthesis of Highly Substituted α‑Pyrones via a Sequential Enolate Arylation and Alkenylation Strategy

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-10-21, 18:50 authored by Michael Grigalunas, Olaf Wiest, Paul Helquist
Trisubstituted α-pyrones are obtained by a Pd-catalyzed three-component, single-flask operation via an α-arylation, subsequent α-alkenylation, alkene isomerization, and dienolate lactonization. A variety of coupling components under mild conditions afforded isolated yields of up to 93% of the pyrones with complete control of regioselectivity. Metal dependence was noted for three of the steps of the pathway. Utility of the pyrone products was demonstrated by further transformations providing convenient access to polyaromatic compounds, exhibiting broad molecular diversity.
