3 files

Sevengill shark current simulation model and movement tracks

posted on 2018-01-16, 20:12 authored by Alexandra McInturfAlexandra McInturf, Anna Steel, Michelle Buckhorn, Philip Sandstrom, Christina Slager, A. Peter Klimley, Damien Caillaud
This study examined selective tidal stream transport in broadnose sevengill sharks (N. cepedianus) in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. These videos show the active tracking data from the three sharks (July 29-31, September 9-12, October 14-17, 2008), overlaid on a current simulation model (Delft3D Open Source Software, Deltares, the Netherlands). Tidal current vectors are depicted in red. Yellow points are fixes from the tracking data. Orange points along the shark's track are interpolated due to incomplete data. Corresponding timestamps can be viewed above the video, and the depth of the shark at each timestamp is shown in the upper left corner.
