Relevancy_Ranking_Systems_final_for_manu_redacted.xlsx (82.9 kB)

Search System Survey

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We designed a survey instrument to cover the following five survey question topics:

1. System configuration (e.g., ranking model, index methods, query methods) (7 questions)

2. Evaluation methods and benchmark (10 questions)

a. What has been evaluated?

a. What evaluation methods have been applied?

b. How was the evaluation collection built?

c. What is the performance under specific configurations?

3. Methods applied to boost searchability by web search engines (two questions)

4. Other technologies or system configurations that have been employed (five questions)

5. Wish list for future activities of the RDA relevance task force (two questions)

We also asked five additional questions about the characteristics of each repository so we could assess whether there is any correlation between repository characteristics and the adoption of a certain technology or configuration. Also, we included two additional questions about survey administration.
