SSerbin_ForestSAT2012_PEcAn_ChEAS_poster.pdf (10.17 MB)

From Multiple Datasets to Ecological Prediction: The PEcAn Workflow and Model-Data Assimilation

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Version 3 2013-07-16, 17:00
Version 2 2013-07-16, 17:00
Version 1 2013-07-15, 13:46
posted on 2013-07-16, 17:00 authored by Shawn SerbinShawn Serbin, Paul Bolstad, Bruce Cook, Ankur Desai, Brent Ewers, Robert Kooper, David LeBauer, Jonathan Martin, Kenton McHenry, Philip Townsend, Michael Dietze

A poster describing ongoing research in the northern Wisconsin (i.e. ChEAS) region.  This is part of the PEcAn project, an NSF funded research project which is developing open-source tools to enable efficient model-data assimilation, diagnosis and uncertainty assessment to improve ecosystem model projections. In addition, this ecoinformatics toolbox allows for direct community involvement through data submission and curation as well as lowering the barrier to modeling through an online interface.

