156 files

Recurrent hormone-binding domain truncated ESR1 amplifications in primary endometrial cancers suggest their implication in hormone independent growth. Supplementary Optical Dataset S1

Version 2 2016-05-22, 03:31
Version 1 2016-05-21, 21:28
posted on 2016-05-22, 03:31 authored by Frederik HolstFrederik Holst

The optical dataset illustrates the ESR1 FISH signal appearance by full size FISH photographs of a total of 28 out of 29 primary endometrial cancers that had gone on to metastasize and that had copy-number changes characterized by SNP GeneChips (tumors #1-17 and #19-29).

The three color photographs show the nuclear ESR1 FISH signals in 4µm conventional large section FFPE tissue slides. Shown are ESR1 signals (green), CEN6 signals (orange) and nuclei (blue).

Photographs are taken using an Olympus IX51 microscope at 100´ magnification, an Olympus XM10 digital camera (1,376 ´ 1,032 pixels) and Olympus cellSens imaging software.

Increased ESR1 FISH signals are marked exemplarily in some cases (white arrows and edges). These could reach from two signals nearby each other, for gene duplication to several green dots.

For all 28 tumors pictures of up to four different tissue areas (Fig. 01-04) are available, including up to four different z-layers (Z-Stack A-D) per area to illustrate the distribution of signals within the z-axis.
