14 files

R scripts documenting the statistical data analyses

Version 4 2019-07-08, 08:42
Version 3 2019-03-27, 11:56
Version 2 2019-01-03, 10:18
Version 1 2018-10-20, 09:27
posted on 2019-07-08, 08:42 authored by Sünje Johanna PampSünje Johanna Pamp, Anna Cäcilia MascheAnna Cäcilia Masche

R scripts documenting the statistical data analyses

The provided R scripts contain all code that was used for the main analyses steps of the study, and facilitates the reproduction of results presented in tables and figures. The scripts are numbered and named according to the analyses steps and correspond to the .html reports provided as additional files with the journal article.


Ingham AC, Kielsen K, Cilieborg MS, Lund O, Holmes S, Aarestrup FM, Müller KG, and Pamp SJ. (2019) Specific gut microbiome members are associated with distinct immune markers in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Microbiome 7:131
