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PERU MIGRANT Study | Baseline dataset

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Version 2 2021-10-23, 23:07
Version 1 2016-03-27, 18:00
posted on 2021-10-23, 23:07 authored by J. Jaime MirandaJ. Jaime Miranda

The PERU MIGRANT Study (PEru's Rural to Urban MIGRANTs Study) was designed to investigate the magnitude of differences between rural-to-urban migrant and non-migrant groups in specific cardiovascular risk factors. Three groups were selected: i) Rural, people who have always have lived in a rural environment; ii) Rural-urban, people who migrated from rural to urban areas; and, iii) Urban, people who have always lived in a urban environment.

The PERU MIGRANT Study protocol, instruments and variables are described in full in:

Miranda JJ, Gilman RH, García HH, Smeeth L. The effect on cardiovascular risk factors of migration from rural to urban areas in Peru: PERU MIGRANT Study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2009;9:23.

The main findings of the PERU MIGRANT Study are published in:

Miranda JJ, Gilman RH, Smeeth L. Differences in cardiovascular risk factors in rural, urban and rural-to-urban migrants in Peru. Heart 2011;97(10):787-96.


Wellcome Trust
