Nymphoides peltata_ortholog genes.txt (5.41 MB)

Nymphoides peltata_ortholog genes;

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posted on 2017-01-15, 08:26 authored by Jinming ChenJinming Chen
Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze (Menyanthaceae) is a floating-leaf perennial aquatic plant. This species is a typical distylous plant. In this study, we sequenced two floral transcriptomes from long- and short-styled flowered plants of this distylous species using the RNA-Seq technique. We also idenfied the divergent orthologous genes between long- and short-styled flowered plants. Our aims were to provide genetic resources for screening genes involved in the development of distyly and for revealing the role of natural selection in driving the floral morph diversity in the evolution of distylous plant.


the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31270278 and 31570220) and Wuhan Botanical Garden (CAS) (No. Y655261W03);
