pone.0206363.g001.tif (585 kB)

No effect of food deprivation status on CR feeding behaviour.

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posted on 2018-10-23, 17:37 authored by Jonathon Dunn, Clare Andrews, Daniel Nettle, Melissa Bateson

A) Bars show mean individual trial latency, hence preferred feeding rate, plus between-bird SE, by the two levels of the deprivation treatment. Note: all ratio requirements are pooled and individual bird latencies are overlaid as points. B) Individual mean and between-bird SEs of trial latency by ratio requirement (pecks required to complete a trial) by the two levels of the deprivation treatment. The slope of the regression line indicates the strength of defence of feeding rate (flatter line, stronger defence). All panels are based on raw data from 30 birds; note CRG data are shown only to ensure direct comparability with the Ettinger and Staddon study [2] with rats.
