3 files

More on networks for placing fossils, such as Eocene lantern fruits

posted on 2018-09-01, 14:09 authored by Guido GrimmGuido Grimm
This fileset includes files relating to the same-titled post on Genealogical World of Phylogenetic Networks (link below) using data assembled by and provided in the supplementary information to Wilf et al., Science 355: 71–75 (2017).

FullNetWithSpeciesNames.png shows the full neighbour-net splits graph inferred from Wilf et al.'s morphological data partition with all OTUs labelled (different labelled and reduced versions of this graph can be found in the post).

WilfSM_aag2737_DataS1.xlsx is a copy of the according supplement file of Wilf et al. including a corrected version of the second sheet "Matrix, character scores" that fits with the information provided in the original "Matrix, raw scores" sheet.

The archive includes the following files
Wilf2017Morpho.nex — a MESQUITE-annotated NEXUS file of the morphological character matrix incorporating the information of Wilf et al.'s Table S1 and Data S1 (first sheet "Matrix, raw scores"
Wilf2017Morpho.simple.nex — same in simplified NEXUS format including standard code lines for PAUP*
Wilf2017Morpho.mean.dist, Wilf2017Morpho.mean.FossilNH.dist — the neighbour-net splits graphs shown in the post, in Splits-NEXUS format.

Important note for re-use
When re-using the NEXUS-files provided here make sure to not only cite this figshare submission but to also credit the original supplement to Wilf et al. providing the primary data:
Wilf P, Carvalho MR, Gandolfo MA, Cúneo NR. (2017) Supplementary Materials for Eocene lantern fruits from Gondwanan Patagonia and the early origins of Solanaceae.
