4 files

Mesh visualizations for PyGBE calculations of LSPR response to bovine serum albumin (BSA)

posted on 2018-12-23, 23:08 authored by Natalia C. ClementiNatalia C. Clementi, Christopher D. Cooper, Lorena A. BarbaLorena A. Barba
Reproducibility package for the paper PyGBe-LSPR---Computational nanoplasmonics for biosensing applications.

Contains the mesh files, the final figures, and the Python script to plot the visualizations of a sensor system, with a spherical nanoparticle and a set of target molecules. The targets are fully represented by a surface mesh based on the crystal structure.

The user only needs to download the .zip file—the images are duplicated on this deposit at the root level, to take advantage of the Figshare viewer.


EAGER: Cyberinfrastructure Reproducibility Project: Computational Science and Engineering

Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering

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