pgen.1007347.g006.tif (3.65 MB)

Loss of FoxO increases susceptibility of Tsc1 mutant cells to cell death.

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posted on 2018-04-20, 17:35 authored by Katarzyna Nowak, Avantika Gupta, Hugo Stocker

(A) Cleaved Caspase-3 antibody staining (in red) of eye discs with hsFlp FoxO, Tsc1 or Tsc1 FoxO mutant clones (marked by the absence of GFP) dissected from larvae reared on normal food and NR. The position of the morphogenetic furrow is indicated with a white arrowhead. Note that the FoxO null allele FoxOΔ94 was used in this experiment. Similar results were obtained with the FoxO25 allele. Scale bars are 100 μm. (B) Eye discs bearing MARCM Tsc1 or Tsc1 FoxO clones (marked by GFP), with or without the expression of anti-apoptotic p35, dissected from larvae reared on NR. Scale bars are 250 μm.
