ppat.1006989.g004.tif (2.96 MB)

L* footprint on RNase L.

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posted on 2018-04-13, 17:45 authored by Melissa Drappier, Babal Kant Jha, Sasha Stone, Ruth Elliott, Rong Zhang, Didier Vertommen, Susan R. Weiss, Robert H. Silverman, Thomas Michiels

Highlighting of residues that were mapped in ANK R1 and R2 as components of the L* footprint on RNase L (in orange). The two RNase L protomers are represented in gray and blue, 2-5A molecules are represented in pink and RNA substrate and ATP mimetics are represented by green dots. (Crystal structure of dimeric human RNase L; [45]; PDB 4OAV). Images were generated using the PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.7, Schrödinger, LLC.
