Fig 7.tif (973.1 kB)

IHC analyses of Aβ deposits in TG mice 9 months post-irradiation.

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posted on 2017-11-29, 18:23 authored by Emil Rudobeck, John A. Bellone, Attila Szücs, Kristine Bonnick, Shalini Mehrotra-Carter, Jerome Badaut, Gregory A. Nelson, Richard E. Hartman, Roman Vlkolinský

Top left panel: A representative illustration of a medial coronal section of the brain of a TG mouse divided into 3 areas of interest: hippocampus (HPC, dorsal cortex (DC) and ventral cortex (VC). The purple spots indicate the software’s built-in algorithm detection of amyloid plaques that was further visually confirmed by the experimenter. Top right panel: Original micrographs of cortical sections exposed to 0–1 Gy. Bottom panels: Relative numbers of plaque areas measured in the hippocampus and the dorsal cortex. Significant differences in Aβ deposition were detected between 0 vs 1 Gy groups in the DC and similar trends were observed in the HPC. TG mice only: N = 8, 7, 4 and 5 animals/radiation group. Statistical analyses: 1-way ANOVA, Post hoc * p<0.05. Data represent means ± SEM.
