2. Dobrosława Wężowicz-Ziółkowska - Od Minotaura do cyborga.pdf (132.21 kB)

Fizjologie/transgresje. Od Minotaura do cyborga / Physiologies/Transgressions. From Minotaur to Cyborg

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posted on 2015-06-10, 11:45 authored by Kultura WspółczesnaKultura Współczesna, Dobrosława Wężowicz-Ziółkowska, Narodowe Centrum Kultury

The order of depicting has always been located in opposition to word (logos) that is why what can be said has always been valued more. Not until Sigmund Freud showed that what is said “not  entirely” has the power of agency. Freud’s success was parallel to an important discovery of what was later called literary theory. According to Ranciére  depicting expressed in a piece of art can be cupped as characteristic tactics of perceiving. Ranciére proposes unprejudiced reading of respective pieces  of art in all their depictive concreteness and the article shows his standpoint wending towards clear articulation of the thesis: it is only a piece of art that may contain visibility and invisibility, knowledge and ignorance (logos and pathos) in one space (of depicting).
