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Endoglin expression during in vitro differentiation of murine Mo towards MΦ.

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posted on 2016-03-24, 06:52 authored by Luisa Ojeda-Fernández, Lucía Recio-Poveda, Mikel Aristorena, Pedro Lastres, Francisco J. Blanco, Francisco Sanz-Rodríguez, Eunate Gallardo-Vara, Mateo de las Casas-Engel, Ángel Corbí, Helen M. Arthur, Carmelo Bernabeu, Luisa M. Botella

(A) Induction of endoglin expression during in vitro cultured blood monocytes. Blood samples from a total of 10 mice for each condition were pooled. Adherent cells were trypsinized at selected times and flow cytometry analysis was used to determine endoglin expression on cultured Mo, defined as CD11bpos Ly6Gneg cells. (B) Representative flow cytometry graphs of endoglin expression on cultured Mo are shown by profiles with black line. Grey profiles represent the negative control. Percentage of endoglin positive cells is shown in the upper right corner of each histogram (C) Endoglin mRNA expression levels in BMDMs differentiated to M1 or M2 macrophages. Expression levels of Eng mRNA in BMDMs treated with GM-CSF (M1) or M-CSF (M2) from 3 different C57BL/6 donors. Relative Eng mRNA levels are normalized to 18S as endogenous controls. Mean and SD of each triplicate are shown; ** P<0.01 Ms = mouse. (D) Endoglin expression levels on BMDMs differentiated to M1 or M2 phenotype from 3 different C57BL/6 mice, with each sample analyzed in duplicate. On the right are representative flow cytometry results showing endoglin expression in BMDMs differentiated to M1 or M2 phenotype. Percentage of positive endoglin cells is shown in the upper right corner of each histogram. Grey profiles represent the negative control.
