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Economies of scope in Portuguese local government using an augmented Hicks–Moorsteen approach

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-09-10, 09:49 authored by Paulo Caldas, Diogo Ferreira, Brian Dollery, Rui Marques

Whereas a substantial empirical literature has investigated scale economies in local government, by contrast little effort has been directed at economies of scope. To address this gap in the literature, this paper empirically examines economies of scope in 308 Portuguese local governments and the extent to which it explains differential council performance. We employ a new methodology using geometric distance functions, an augmented Hicks–Moorsteen index, and partial frontiers for (in)efficiency assessment in local government. The results demonstrate that most councils that ‘externalize’ service provision face diseconomies of scope, which increase in proportion to the externalization of service provision.


This work was supported financially by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [grant number SFRH/BD/113038/2015].
