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ext.RDS (428.69 kB)

Data for the manuscript "Extinction risk and evolution of a quantitative trait in a variable environment with increasing frequency of extreme events"

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posted on 2013-06-15, 18:30 authored by Simone VincenziSimone Vincenzi

Data for the manuscript

"Extinction risk and evolution of a quantitative trait in a variable environment with increasing frequency of extreme events"

by Simone Vincenzi


the file ext.RDS can be loaded in R by typing

ext.df = readRDS("ext.RDS")

after having moved the file to you current directory


In the data set, I included the following variables and outcomes of simulations:

sel - strength of selection

cat.freq - probability of occurrence of point extremes

pop.ext10.rand - mean population size in the "sampling window"

addvar.mean.10.rand. - mean additive genetic variance in the "sampling window"

meanopt - directional trend

mut - mutation amplitude

mean.pheno - mean phenotype at the end of simulation time (interesting for replicates in which ext = 1)

cat.bef - number of point extremes in the five years before extinction (interesting for replicates in which ext = 1)

ext_year - extinction time (299 for replicates that persisted up to the end of simulation time)

ext - extinct (1) or not (0)


