6 files

Data Paper. Data Paper

posted on 2016-08-10, 04:14 authored by Joel E. Cohen, Christian Mulder

File List

135Zoocoenoses.txt (MD5: b11669ace2cc4aa58cb018abe5781ba9)

135FoodWebs.txt (MD5: 75e2137a9c8258313cc1accf68cabe23)

SIZEWEB Box 1.pdf (MD5: 6bdda45aaba5579a4c0121e22553f83b)

SIZEWEB Box 2.pdf (MD5: da9b26b141f459393a367cf59a9e73ce)


This paper provides data on the taxonomy, abundance, body size, and general feeding habits of soil invertebrates at 135 sites in the Netherlands, along with the edaphic chemical characteristics, air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric deposition, and human management practices of those sites. Sampling, monitoring, and modeling activities were performed in the framework of the Dutch Soil Quality Network. A total of 258 genera, families, and morpha of free-living soil nematodes, mites, insects, myriapods, enchytraeids, and earthworms, ranging in dry body mass >7 orders of magnitude, were identified, counted, and measured for biomass estimates. Trophic links reflecting life history were estimated from existing literature and, when possible, compared with microarthropods’ carbohydrase activity. Environmental variables were collected at each site, including soil chemistry (pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, cadmium, chrome, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc), atmospheric nitrogen deposition, inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus from manure, rainfall, and temperature. Prior analyses of these data are cited, and the data are released here for the first time. These data describe how strongly different types of human-induced disturbance influence the abundance–mass allometric relationships in soil biota.

Key words: Acarina; agroecosystem; allometric scaling; Annelida; atmospheric N deposition; cattle pressure; Collembola; land use; N eutrophication; Nematoda; soil nutrients; The Netherlands.
