Cooper et al 2012 PLoS ONE_data.txt (27.46 kB)

Cooper et al 2012 PLoS ONE_data

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posted on 2013-05-03, 14:17 authored by Natalie CooperNatalie Cooper

Data from: 

Cooper N., Kamilar J.M. & Nunn C.L. (2012). Host Longevity and Parasite Species Richness in Mammals. PLoS ONE, 7, e42190.

Variable descriptions

Species_W&R05. Binomial name using Wilson and Reeder 2005 taxonomy

Species_W&R93. Binomial name using Wilson and Reeder 1993 taxonomy

Clade. C = Carnivora; P = Primates; U = terrestrial ungulates (Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla)

GRsize_km2. Geographic range size (km2)

CitationCountMarch2011. number of ISI Web of Knowledge ( references where the Latin binomial of the species appeared in either the title or topic fields. Where the species binomial had changed between the 1993 and 2005 Wilson and Reeder taxonomies we summed the number of citations for the species names from both taxonomies.


PSR. Parasite species richness

WBC. White blood cell count (number of cells in
10^9 liters of blood) from the International Species Information System (ISIS) database


