ic902450c_si_002.cif (46.86 kB)

Construction of a Ag12 High-Nuclearity Metallamacrocyclic 3D Framework

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posted on 2010-04-19, 00:00 authored by Jiyong Hu, Jin’an Zhao, Qianqian Guo, Hongwei Hou, Yaoting Fan
An unprecedented high-nuclearity metallamacrocycle-based 3D silver framework with formula {[Ag2(C25H27N6O)2](CH3OH)(H2O)0.17}n (1), built on the basis of dodecanuclear silver building blocks, has been synthesized and characterized, and it shows strong phosphorescence emission at 10 K, which is a consequence of the presence of intersystem crossing from singlet to triplet caused by the heavy-atom effect of silver ions.
