pone.0170768.g007.tif (347.2 kB)

Condensed tannin (CT) interactions study with BSA by circular dichroism (CD).

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posted on 2017-01-26, 00:43 authored by Honorata M. Ropiak, Peter Lachmann, Aina Ramsay, Rebecca J. Green, Irene Mueller-Harvey

(A) Normalised CD spectra from qBiC software of BSA (reference in dark blue) and of BSA upon interactions with CT fractions (see legend in B); (B) CD difference spectrum of BSA treated with CT fractions calculated by subtracting the ‘CT only’ CD spectra (CDCT) and the ‘BSA only’ CD spectra (CDBSA) from the spectrum recorded with the CT and BSA mix (CDBSA_CT): ΔCD = CDBSA_CT - (CDCT + CDBSA).
