cockburn et al - data used in analyses.xlsx (15.41 kB)

Cockburn et al - Syringomyelia data

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posted on 2017-12-05, 15:25 authored by Mike MendlMike Mendl
Data accompanying paper by Cockburn et al. which investigates behavioural indicators of pain in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with or without a diagnosis of syringomyelia. The data are in one excel file which contains the following variables:

Dog (dog id); SyringDiagnosis (0=no syringomyelia; 1=syringomyelia); SyrinxDiam (syrinx diameter (mm)); Medication (0=no medication; 1=medication); AgeMonth (age in months); Scratching (owner VAS scratching score); EyeTemperature (degrees celsius); JumpUpAv (average time to jump up to stool (s)); JumpDownAv (average time to jump down from stool (s)); PMeanAv, NPMeanAv, MmeanAV, NNmeanAV, NmeanAv (average latencies (s) to P,NP,M,NN,N locations during judgement bias tests); AdjustedNP, AdjustedM, AdjustedNN (average adjusted latencies to ambiguous NP,M,NN locations during judgement bias tests); AdjustedAv (average adjusted latency to all 3 ambiguous locations during judgement bias tests); ArenaArea (area (width x length) of test arena); FalseNegative (latency to N location during False Negative test); FalsePositive (latency to P location during False Positive test); TrialCriterion (trials to criterion in the judgement bias test); RL1-RL12 (latencies to P location in the 12 trials of the reward loss sensitivity test); RL1minusPmeanAv (latencies to P location in the 12 trials of the reward loss sensitivity test - average latency to the P location ('baseline') during the judgement bias test);
RL1to12minusPmeanAv (mean increase in latency relative to baseline across all 12 trials of the reward loss sensitivity test); RLtrialscompleted (number of RL trials completed by each dog).


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