pone.0197204.g004.tif (204.39 kB)

Changes in estimated total nucleated cell counts over time.

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posted on 2018-06-19, 20:03 authored by Susannah J. Sample, Molly A. Racette, Eric C. Hans, Nicola J. Volstad, Susan L. Schaefer, Jason A. Bleedorn, Jeffrey P. Little, Kenneth R. Waller III, Zhengling Hao, Walter F. Block, Peter Muir

Estimated TNCC from the synovium of (A) PRP-collagen treated partial CR stifles and (B) TPLO-treated complete CR stifles did not significantly change over the study period. Abbreviations: TNCC, total nucleated cell count; CR, cruciate rupture; PRP, platelet rich plasma; TPLO, tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. n = 19 dogs.
