200316_BSDB_poster_Schroeter.pdf (15.1 MB)


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posted on 2020-03-16, 22:48 authored by Dhruv Raina, Azra Bahadori, Angel Stanoev, Michelle Protzek, Aneta Koseska, Christian SchroeterChristian Schroeter
We present an embryonic stem cell model for cell differentiation in the mammalian preimplantation embryo, in which robust proportions of two differentiated cell types are specified from a wide range of experimentally controlled initial conditions in the precursor state. Using mutant analysis, we demonstrate that recursive cell-cell communication via fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4) underlies this robust proportioning. We furthermore show that communicating cell populations re-establish mixtures of the two cell types following flow-sorting of one cell type, indicating that cell-cell communication not only generates, but also maintains specific proportions of differentiated cell types. These experimental results can be explained theoretically by the self-organizing dynamics of the intercellular network established by FGF4, in which a heterogeneous attractor emerges in the communicating population. Cell-cell communication may underlie the robust behavior of cell populations despite uncertainty in initial conditions in precursor cells in a wide range of differentiation events in development and homeostasis.


Supported by the Max Planck Society
