pgen.1008482.g008.tif (8.19 MB)

Breast cancer sub-types and comparison with other gene signatures.

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posted on 2019-12-17, 18:24 authored by Rodrigo Guarischi-Sousa, Jhonatas S. Monteiro, Lilian C. Alecrim, Jussara S. Michaloski, Laura B. Cardeal, Elisa N. Ferreira, Dirce M. Carraro, Diana N. Nunes, Emmanuel Dias-Neto, Jüri Reimand, Paul C. Boutros, João C. Setubal, Ricardo J. Giordano

(a) Overall survival for each of the PAM50 subtypes was observed. Shown the Kaplan-Meier survival curves for Basal, Luminal-A, Luminal-B and Her2 subtypes. p-values were calculated using log-rank test. Six samples did not have a PAM50 class assigned and were excluded. Low-risk (more than 15 years), intermediate-risk (between 15 and 7.5 years) and high-risk (less than 7.5 years) (b) All nine previously published angiogenesis signature were assessed on METABRIC cohort. The heatmap shows the score between -1 and 1 for each sample (heatmap on center). Top plot depicts median score obtained from all nine signatures, gray lines highlight standard deviation. Bottom depicts consensus call of all nine signatures combined. On right, forest plot shows hazard ratio, lines represent 95% confidence interval. (c) Survival curves for 6 representative angiogenesis signatures. Groups were dichotomized based on signature score: high-risk (score greater than the percentile of events) and a low-risk (score less than or equal to the percentile of events).
