appendix-B.htm (6.43 kB)

Appendix B. ANOVA tables for the comparison of branching angles between colonies of Atta cephalotes and Atta colombica in different habitats, considering trails or colonies as replicates.

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posted on 2016-08-10, 08:30 authored by Alejandro Gustavo Farji-Brener, Federico Chinchilla, María Natalia Umaña, María Elena Ocasio-Torres, Alexander Chauta-Mellizo, Diana Acosta-Rojas, Sofía Marinaro, Mónica de Torres Curth, Sabrina Amador-Vargas
ANOVA tables for the comparison of branching angles between colonies of Atta cephalotes and Atta colombica in different habitats, considering trails or colonies as replicates.
