pone.0207220.g008.tif (621.95 kB)

Amino acid variations among ORF proteins encoded by DENV-3 genotype III.

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posted on 2018-11-12, 18:53 authored by Juthamas Phadungsombat, Marco Yung-Cheng Lin, Narinee Srimark, Atsushi Yamanaka, Emi E. Nakayama, Visal Moolasart, Patama Suttha, Tatsuo Shioda, Sumonmal Uttayamakul

The amino acid substitutions in the open reading frame among 3 lineages of DENV-3 genotype III (in the right panel) are shown corresponding to the lineages. The occurrences of the indicated amino acid variations are shown with arrows. Sequences obtained in this study are labeled in red.
