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Additional file 1: of Self-Myofascial Vibro-Shearing: a Randomized Controlled Trial of Biomechanical and Related Changes in Male Breakdancers

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-03-27, 05:00 authored by Christopher-Marc Gordon, Sophie Lindner, Niels Birbaumer, Pedro Montoya, Rachel Ankney, Frank Andrasik
Relationship of the displacement oscillation (S) and oscillation velocity (V) in relation to the oscillation acceleration (a). After the single mechanical impulse is delivered and quick-released under constant precompression, the tissue being measured responds immediately in the form of a damped oscillation, causing the co-oscillation of: a) a tissue being measured, b) the pre-compressed subcutaneous tissue layers above the tissue (i.e., superficial skeletal muscle), c) the testing-end, d) measurement mechanism, and e) accelerometer attached to the measurement mechanism. Damped oscillation of a soft biological tissue is registered in the form of an acceleration graph (a). (DOCX 133 kb)


Damus-Donata Foundation
