3 files

S. cerevisiae fragment datasets

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modified on 2018-07-13, 23:51
Results data of two-round SECRiFY screens of human (HEK293) cDNA fragments in S. cerevisiae (3 replicate screens). Sequencing data was mapped on the human GRCh38 transcriptome assembled using known transcripts from protein-coding genes only.
"Sc_resultstable_all.txt" = all in-frame fragments detected in either the unsorted baseline library (merged for 3 replicates), or in all 3 sorted replicate samples.
"Sc_resultstable_enriched.txt" = those with log_FC > 1 in all three replicates (11625)
"Sc_resultstable_depleted.txt" = those with log_FC < -1 in all three replicates (136531)

For each fragment, the following information is provided:

# Ensembl_geneID --> Ensembl gene ID
# Ensembl_txID --> Ensembl transcript ID
# tx_start --> Transcript start position on human genome GRCh38
# tx_end --> Transcript end position on human genome GRCh38
# chr --> chromosome #
# gene_symbol --> official gene symbol
# frag_start --> fragment start position on the transcript, 0-based
# frag_stop --> fragment end position on the transcript, 0-based
# cDNA --> DNA sequence of the fragment
# protein --> translated AA sequence of the fragment in frame 1
# IND_count --> raw count value in the baseline (unsorted) library (merged for 3 replicates), NAs replaced by 0.001
# SORT(1)_count --> raw count value in the sorted sample replicate (1), NAs replaced by 0.001
# IND_FPTM --> normalized FPTM value in the baseline (unsorted) library
# SORT(1)_FPTM --> normalized FPTM value in the sorted sample replicate (1)
# logFC_(1) --> log2(SORT(1)_FPTM/IND_FPTM)
