PraziquantelData.xlsx (11.99 kB)

Praziquantel Degradation in a Marine Aquarium

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modified on 2016-04-04, 00:33

These data were collected from six, 650-L marine aquarium systems that were each dosed with Praziquantel (2 ppm).  The full methodology is reported in the associated manuscript: 

To interpret these data:

Column A (Trial): Indicates which of the 5 treatment trials the data indicate (see associated manuscript for details).

Column B (System): Indicates which of the 6 aforementioned aquarium systems the data was collected from. 

Column C (Day): Indicates on which day of the experiment the water sample was collected.

Column D (Conc): Concentration of Praziquantel in the water sample as detected by HPLC analysis (see associated manuscript for details).  

Column E (FishNoFish): Indicates whether fish were present in the aquarium system during the time the water sample was collected.  "Fish" = 12 French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) were present.  "No Fish" = no fish present in the system when the water sample was collected.