I am a plant and soil ecologist and my current work focuses on the impact of drought on plant-soil interactions. Recently, I am particularly interested in differences in root and rhizosphere traits between crops and their wild relatives. I also study the feedbacks between plant and soil function and diversity, and the importance of soil communities for ecosystem stability.


  • Re-analysis of archaeobotanical remains from pre- and early agricultural sites provides no evidence for a narrowing of the wild plant food spectrum during the origins of agriculture in southwest Asia
  • Towards a moss sclerophylly continuum: evolutionary history, water chemistry and climate control traits of hygrophytic mosses
  • Impacts of winter icing events on the growth, phenology and physiology of sub-arctic dwarf shrubs
  • Impact of early and late winter icing events on sub-arctic dwarf shrubs
  • Were Fertile Crescent crop progenitors higher yielding than other wild species that were never domesticated?
  • Ecosystem response to climatic change: The importance of the cold season
  • Responses of sub-arctic dwarf shrubs to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide conditions
  • Assessment of the Response of Photosynthetic Activity of Mediterranean Evergreen Oaks to Enhanced Drought Stress and Recovery by Using PRI and R690/R630
  • How did the domestication of Fertile Crescent grain crops increase their yields?
  • Rhizodeposition under drought and consequences for soil communities and ecosystem resilience
  • Assessment of the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems based on data from field experiments and long-term monitored field gradients in Catalonia
  • Root exudate metabolomes change under drought and show limited capacity for recovery
  • On the influence of water conductivity, pH and climate on bryophyte assemblages in Catalan semi-natural springs
  • Thirsty tree roots exude more carbon
  • Cereal progenitors differ in stand harvest characteristics from related wild grasses
  • Impacts of Global Change on Mediterranean Forests and Their Services
  • A Return to the Wild: Root Exudates and Food Security
  • The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)
  • Nitrate pollution reduces bryophyte diversity in Mediterranean springs
  • Sea spray influences water chemical composition of Mediterranean semi-natural springs
  • Effects of past and current drought on the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities
  • Terra Negra
  • El nitrat de les fonts del Lluçanès
  • Drought is a stronger driver of soil respiration and microbial communities than nitrogen or phosphorus addition in two Mediterranean tree species
  • The origins of agriculture: Intentions and consequences
  • Fertile Crescent crop progenitors gained a competitive advantage from large seedlings
  • Nutrients control reproductive traits of hygrophytic bryophytes
  • Resistance and resilience of soil prokaryotic communities in response to prolonged drought in a tropical forest
  • Editorial: Exchanges at the Root-Soil Interface: Resource Trading in the Rhizosphere That Drives Ecosystem Functioning
  • Bryophyte C:N:P stoichiometry, biogeochemical niches and elementome plasticity driven by environment and coexistence
  • Do Bryophyte Elemental Concentrations Explain Their Morphological Traits?
  • Interactive effects of soil water content and nutrients on root exudation in two Mediterranean tree species
  • The invisible life of our rivers: adaptive traits of macroinvertebrates to riverine habitats
  • Soil carbon sequestration by root exudates
  • Role of mycorrhizas and root exudates in plant uptake of soil nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium): has the puzzle been completely solved?
  • The influence of nitrate pollution on elemental and isotopic composition of aquatic and semi-aquatic bryophytes
  • Impacts of seasonality, drought, nitrogen fertilization, and litter on soil fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a Mediterranean forest
  • Mediterranean springs: Keystone ecosystems and biodiversity refugia threatened by global change
  • Combined effects of drought and simulated pathogen attack on root exudation rates of tomatoes
  • The Cultural Ecohydrogeology of Mediterranean-Climate Springs: A Global Review with Case Studies
  • Relationship among Soil Biophysicochemical Properties, Agricultural Practices and Climate Factors Influencing Soil Phosphatase Activity in Agricultural Land
  • Effect of organic fertilisation on soil phosphatase activity, phosphorus availability and forage yield in mountain permanent meadows

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Co-workers & collaborators

Marcos Fernández-Martínez

Postdoctoral researcher - Barcelona

Marcos Fernández-Martínez

Catherine Preece's public data